We could not take the Chiva that drives from Pereira to el Cedral. Instead we rented a Jeep in Florida town, whose condition was not the best. Finally after several break down of the car we arrived to our destination, the Santuario Otun Quimbaya
This area is covered with Andean Forest and is located between 1800 and 2400 meters above sea level. It is caracaterized with high diversity of flora and fauna.
Near the town Suiza we found good accomodation with meals. Birds are the reserve most conspicuos inhabitant with about 185 species. When the sun rises the butterflies began to appear.
The Cedral , is a place near la Suiza and from here you can visit the Parque Ucumari.
We walk one hour from la Suiza to the Cedral. We were lucky to catch the noon chiva to return to the Refuge in
The Chiva Station in Pereira. The most popular trasportation in the paisa roads . This replaced the recua de mulas and they can enter to most irregular and mudy road in the paisa mountains
Some years ago we visited the Ucumari Park. We arrived to Cedral and began the trekking until de Otun Lake and Nevado Santa Isabel
The plants in the Paramo ecosystem keep the water inside, therefore the name of the
paramo is the Fabrik of water .
The next visit was MARSELLA a town in the north of Pereira
This is another typical paisa town founded in 1860. The main street and the square just around retain their original contorns , though many building have been reconstructed in this quake-prone region.
The cementery is originaly constructed in 1927. it is made up with elabaorated terraces
We founded this girl and her daughter. She was for holiday in Marsella, visiting the family. She is married with a man from Holland and lives in Europe.
The botanical garden was one of the places we wanted to visit. Unfortunalety was closed. The fragile ecosystems of the Zona cafetera could we seen in this place, however since the Mayor who promoted this idea left the town the botanical is totaly abandoned
The people play Bingo
These two girls celebreted their 15th birthday. Very important age , began with a mass in the cathedral and finish with a party with friends and family.
We cross the town Aranzazu .This is the typical Store. It is like a liltte supermarket you can can find every thing in only one place.